relating to the circular bioeconomy, the sustainable use of natural resources, the protection of the environment and rural development.

We aim to enhance our members' success in education, research and innovation for a sustainable bioeconomy and society, by engaging with European and global institutions and networks, to share experience, cooperate in new ventures, and benefit from the resulting synergy.

13th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum Programme 19 & 20 October 2023

ICA Rectors and Deans Forum Programme 19 & 20 October

Location:  JUNIA ISEN BUILDING, 41, boulevard Vauban, Lille.  (see the Joining Instructions map: entrance 14 of the BATIMENT ISEN, Room Co-working space on the ground floor)

THURSDAY 19 October

13.00 Registration & Buffet lunch

14.00 Welcome
Arthur Mol,
President of ICA & Rector Magnificus Wageningen University and Research, NL
Joop Lensink, Dean Academic Programmes, JUNIA grande école d’ingénieurs, Lille, FR

Session 1 Strategic Management Issues of AI for Life Science Universities


Chair:  Alex Evans, School of Agriculture & Food Science, University College Dublin, IE

14.10 Keynote: Impact of AI on Teaching and Learning now and in the next 5 years

Matthieu Laneuville, Program Manager AI, SURF Innovation Laboratory, Utrecht, NL
            see the video recording here

14.40 Keynote: Impact of AI on Research now and in the next 5 years

Alistair Nolan, Senior Policy Analyst, Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, OECD, Paris, FR.
            see the video recording here

15.10  Coffee

Four short 10 minute interventions:  Case Studies of "how my university/faculty is addressing the strategic management challenges of AI in research, innovation or education"

  1. To ChatGPT or Not To ChatGPT ? Impact on Teaching Practices at Ghent University.
    Mieke Uyttendaele, Director of Studies, Faculty of Bio-Science Engineering, UGent, BE
  2. The impact of generative AI on teaching and research @ Wageningen University & Research.
    Athur Mol, Wageningen University and Research, NL
  3. Digitalization initiatives for study quality improvement and research in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.
    Irina Pilvere, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava, LV
  4. The influence of Artificial Intelligence on agriculture, the perspective of the Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb University.
    Ivica Kisić, Zagreb University, HR
16.40 Panel discussions
17.10 Report back and Closure

17.15 ICA General Assembly 2023 Follow up & ICA Excellence Awards

ICA GA Follow up
Report by the President and announcement of the result of GA decisions.

ICA Excellence Awards
Vice President introduces the ICA Excellence Awards, and the President makes the presentations to the Awards winners. 

20.00 Forum Gala Dinner
19.45 Meet in the Novotel Grande Place and Crowne Plaza - EURALILLE hotels to be guided to the restaurant, if you are in other hotels please make you way to the restaurant.
Location:  Restaurant L’Assiette du Marché, 61 rue de la Monnaie, 59000 Lille.  www.assiettedumarché.fr  

FRIDAY 20 October

Session 2 Strategic Management challenges for Life Science Universities of One Health Triad

  Chair: Athur Mol, Wageningen University and Research, NL
9.00 Introduction
9.10 Keynote: Report of the outcomes of the three webinars focusing on the science of the One Health Triad.
Robbert Boudewijns, One Health Institute, KU Leuven, BE
            see the video recording here


Keynote: The challenge to develop interdisciplinary education programmes focusing on the One Health Triad
Susanna Sternberg-Lewerin, SLU Future One Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE
            see the video recording here


Keynote: How university is addressing the strategic management challenges of One Health in research, education and society.
Laurent Buisson and Julia Zinsmeister, AgroParisTech, Palaiseau, FR
            see the video recording here

10.40 Coffee


Four short 10 minute interventions:  Case Studies of "how my university/faculty is addressing the strategic management challenges of One Health in research, education and in society

  1. The One Health integrated approach from the standpoint of agriculture practices and food systems : challenges for education and training in France,
    Alessia Lefebure, Dean of L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, FR
  2. One Health Initiatives in the College of Health and Agricultural Sciences at University College Dublin.
    Frank Monahan, Dean School of Agriculture & Food Science, University College Dublin, IE
  3. KU Leuven One Health Institute.
    Robbert Boudewijns, One Health Institute, KU Leuven, BE
  4. UNILASALLE strategy to tackle One Health challenges.
    Philippe Choquet, Institut Polytechnique UNILASALLE, Beauvais, FR
12.00 Panel discussions
12.30 Report back and closure
13.00 Lunch


14.00 - 17.00 JUNIA Roundtable addressing the One Health challenge

Come and share with staff from JUNIA how you are approaching the One Health challenge 

Even though the One Health approach is receiving more and more coverage in the scientific community, it remains, like all approaches that aim to be transdisciplinary, a real managerial and operational challenge for pilots of these projects. How do we get communities of specialists to work together, each with their own expectations, their own fields of expertise (associated with their own vocabulary) and, above all, their own evaluation criteria?

The arising question is to consider how, at the level of our institution's governance, is it feasible to initiate research strategies and policies aiming at integrating the One Health issue into an innovative and transdisciplinary collaborative approach.

We invite all Forum attendees to a round table discussion. After a brief presentation of research programs conducted at JUNIA (14.00 - 15.00) on the issue of One Health (human, animal, plant, and environment health) through transdisciplinary approaches, we will invite participants to share their experience and to reflect on the best methods to pave the way to successfully develop strategic partnerships to address One Health.







Pre-Forum Webinar Programmes

Pre-Forum One Health Webinar Programmes

The face to face Rectors and Deans Forum programme on the 20 October focusing on the strategic management challenges of the One Health Triad for life science universities.  In the previous week there will be three Webinars focusing on the science relating to the One Health Triad.  The three Webinars will set the scope for the discussion of the One Health Triad strategic management challenge for life science universities at the face to face Forum.

Monday 9 October at 13.00 – 14.00 CEST

Webinar: ICA Forum Webinar 2023 October - Stef Bronzwaer.pdf
Stef Bronzwaer, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Parma, IT

Tuesday 10 October at 13.00 – 14.00 CEST

Webinar: Healthy Animals from the One Health perspective
Annemarie Rebel, Wageningen Bioveterinary Research Institute, Wageningen University and Research, NL
        see the video recording here

Wednesday 11 October at 13.00 – 14.00 CEST

Webinar: Healthy Environment from the One Health perspective
Raf Aerts, Part-time Professor, KU Leuven and part-time researcher Sciensano, Belgian One Health Institute.
        see the video recording here




12th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2022 Programme

Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA) 

Bending the Curve for Biodiversity: challenges and opportunities for life science universities

Life science universities addressing
Knowledge Security

 was held on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 October 2022

at the Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, Lithuania

Download the Forum flyer

WEDNESDAY 19 October

Location: Vytautas Magnus university (VMU) in the centre of Kaunas: S. Daukanto str. 28, small hall 2nd floor.


Coffee and Registration


ICA General Assembly

18.30 Presentation EU Biodiversity strategy - forward looking approach, today relevant more than ever
Marius Vaščega- Head of the European Commission's Representation in Vilnius, Lithuania (from 2022 February). Earlier 2019 - 2022 Head of the Cabinet of Virginijus Sinkevičius, the European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans, and Fisheries.


Forum Welcome Reception & Walking Dinner

THURSDAY 20 October

Location: Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (VMU AA), Studentų str. 11, Akademija Kaunas District

Session 1 Addressing biodiversity loss


Transfer by bus from hotels to Agriculture Academy of the Vytautas Magnus University


Registration & welcome coffee


Welcome to the Forum

Arthur Mol, President of ICA & Representative from Vytautas Magnus University

  Chair Session 1
Jos Van Orshoven, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, KULeuven, BE


Keynote: Biodiversity policy implementation in Lithuania: challenges and achievements
Simonas Gentvilas, Minister of the Environment, Republic of Lithuania


Keynote: Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity needs an integrated strategy
 David Leclère, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); Laxenburg; AT


Keynote: The Economics of Biodiversity:
Partha Dasgupta, University of Cambridge, UK


Coffee break


Keynote: Biodiversa+, the European biodiversity partnership: history, objectives and main achievements
Claire Bléry, European Biodiversity Partnership (Biodiversa+), Paris, FR



12.30 Lunch

Session 2 Nature based solutions in Agricultural and Forestry Systems to support the enhancement of biodiversity

  Chair Session 2
Alex Evans, School Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin, IE


Keynote: Enhancement of biodiversity in agriculture arable and grassland systems
Helen Sheridan, School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin, IE


Keynote: Enhancement of biodiversity in forestry systems
Bart Muys, Division of Forest, Nature and Landscape, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, KULeuven, BE


Five short interventions:  Case Studies of how my university engages with society through education and outreach to encourage engagement with and enhancement of biodiversity.




Breakout round table discussions groups


Plenary Report back


Closure Session2 and short break

17.00 ICA Excellence Award 2022 Ceremony:
Announcement & Presentation of the achievements of the winner
Acceptance speech by the winner
17.45 Return by bus to the hotels


Bus pick up from hotels to go to Raudondvaris Castle


Gala Dinner, Raudondvaris Castle

FRIDAY 21 October
Session 3 Addressing Knowledge Security


Transfer by bus from hotels to Agriculture Academy of the Vytautas Magnus University

8.30 Chair Session 3: European knowledge security in a polarised world
Arthur Mol, President of ICA & Rector Magnificus Wageningen University and Research, NL


Keynote: Knowledge security experiences and practice AgroParisTech
Laurent Buisson, Directeur Général AgroParisTech, Paris, FR


Keynote: Knowledge security experiences and practices Estonian University of the Life Sciences
Mait Klaassen, Rector Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMÜ) EE

9.20 Coffee & Breakout round table discussions groups


Plenary Report back


Forum Closure


Packed lunch available to pick up


Depart for Vilnius Airport by bus (the trip to Vilnius airport will take maximum of 2 hours)


Post Forum Tour "Biodiversity, history and cultural heritage Kaunas Region"

There is no extra charge for this Tour, but must be booked on your registration form or reservation by email after registration to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Tour is offered by the Agriculture Academy, Vytautas Magnus University


Tour returns to Kaunas

Download the Forum flyer

Please note that "Kaunas is the European Capital of Culture' 2022". Information about the events can be found here

ICA-CoP Bio-Edu Colloquium 2022 Progarmme

Interdisciplinary Education for the Bioeconomy:
embedding the mindset of the bioeconomy in the curricula of Bachelor degree programmes

Thursday 19 and Friday 20 May

was held at the Monasterium Poortackere, Ghent, Belgium

Download the Colloquium flyer

Download the Summary

Outline Programme


Wednesday 18 May


Welcome Reception and Walking Dinner, Klein Turkije 20, Ghent


Thursday 19 May


Welcome and Introduction to the Colloquium
Han van Osch, Chair of ICA-CoP Bio-Edu, Avans University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands & the Dutch Biobased Knowledge Network


Session 1 – Framing the challenge, what learning outcomes should be achieved in order to develop the students’ mindset for the Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy


Keynote: Opportunities and challenges for promoting education and training to provide the skills for the developing bioeconomy
Giuseppe Pellegrino, Bioeconomy and Food Systems (B2), DG Research & Innovation, European Commission, BE


Keynote: Developing competences and skills for Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy to meet the needs of the labour market.
Mona-Anitta Riihimäki, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland


Coffee break


Keynote: Learning from the planned learning outcomes and curriculum of a BSc Bioeconomy degree programme
Sebastian Goerg, TUMCS for Biotechnology and Sustainability, Technical University of Munich, DE


Keynote: Learning from the planned learning outcomes and curriculum of a MSc Bioeocnomy degree programme
Antonio Marzocchella, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, IT


 Panel discussion




Session 2 - Addressing the learning outcomes to be achieved for the interdisciplinarity of the Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in Bachelor degree programme curricula 


Keynote: The concept of developing a learning trajectory across a BSc degree programme for embedding the interdisciplinarity of the sustainable circular bioeconomy.
René van der Burgt, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Breda, NL


Case Study: Energy Transition at Avans Hogeschool
Anita Korporaal, Avans Hogeschool, Breda NL


Coffee break


Roundtable discussions groups focusing on the challenge in defining the learning outcomes to be achieved for developing the mindset of the Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in discipline specific Bachelor degree programme curricula.


Report back




ICA CoP Bio-Edu General Assembly


 Colloquium Dinner, De Abt, Lange Kruisstraat 4, Ghent


Friday 20 May


Session 3 – The Strategic approach for embedding an interdisciplinarity mindset for the Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy across all discipline specific Bachelor degree programmes in a life science faculty/ university


Keynote: A Case Study of a University strategic approach to curriculum development for embedding interdisciplinarity for the Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy across all Bachelor degree programmes.
Charlotte Voigt, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria


Keynote: A Case Study of a University strategic approach to curriculum development for embedding interdisciplinarity for the Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy across all Bachelor degree programmes.
Paavo Kaimre, Estonian University of Life Sciences, EE

9.30 Roundtable discussion groups

Coffee break


Roundtable discussion groups


Report Back


Move to the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, University of Ghent


Plenary Session: Report back from ICA-Edu, ICA-Edu SIG and the ICA-CoP Bio-Edu



  Download the Colloquium flyer

ICA-Edu Colloquium Programme 2022

Exploring the opportunities and challenges of mainstreaming blended learning in Life Sciences Higher Education

 Was held on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 May 2022

At the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium

held on 20 April 2022

Keynite: Find your way in delivering the digital component of blended learning: the experience of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at Ghent university. 
Evelyne de Caluwé, Educational Developer, Ghent University, BE


Download the Colloquium programme 

Download the Report of the Colloquium

20.00 Reception and Walking Dinner, Klein Turkije 20, Ghent
Session 1: Opportunities and challenges: review of blended learning development over the last five years, the current state of the art and likely trajectories over the next 5 years. 

9.00 Welcome and setting the aims of the Colloquium
Julian Park, Chair of ICA-Edu and University of Reading
9.15 Keynote: Reflection of the developments since the ICA-Edu Colloquium in Bolzano in 2012:
Barbara Hinterstoisser, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), AT.
9.45 Keynote: Current state of the art: benefiting from the learning and teaching behaviours in the pandemic
Lawrie Phipps, Jisc & Keele Institute for Innovation and Teaching Excellence (KIITE), UK
10.15 Coffee break
10.45 Case studies of blended learning interventions in curricula
1. Ivica Kos: Engaging students in collaborative online activities
2. Janna Pietikäinen: What does the data tell us about blended learning?
3. Evelyne de Caluwé: Lessons learned from the first Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) organized by UGent- FBW within ENLIGHT “Interdisciplinary Study of the Climate Neutral City mission”
11.45 Discussion Groups
12.30 Report back
13.00 Lunch
Session 2: The capabilities and expectations of current students for the delivery of their education experience, particularly reflecting on the blended learning approach.  Do students feel well-prepared for a blended approach to learning, does it encourage greater student independence and better prepare graduates for the modern workplace?

14.00 Keynote: The student experience of and views of blended going forward
Jana Dutordoir, The International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS) & University of Ghent.
14.35 Keynote: Does the student experience of the blended learning environment match employer expectations for working in the digital world?
John Giles, Divisional Director, Promar and Genus International
15.10 Coffee break
15.40 Discussion Groups
16.30 Report back
17.00 Closure
17.15 ICA-Edu General Assembly
20.00 Colloquium dinner, De Abt, Lange Kruisstraat 4, Ghent

Session 3: What are the characteristics of robust yet flexible blended approaches in terms of university/faculty strategy and curricula practice for on campus students?

8.45 Keynote: Strategic development of the Blended learning approaches at the institutional level
Tammy Schellens, Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences , Ghent University, BE
9.30 Keynote Staff development needs to fully benefit students using the blended learning experience
Liisa Myyry, Centre for University Teaching and Learning, University of Helsinki, FI
10.15 Overviews of university/faculty approaches to mainstreaming blended learning strategies
1. Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Stefan Cesco
2. University of Reading, Julian Park
3. Wageningen University and Research, Lisa Ploum
4. Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Teodor Trasca
10.45 Coffee break
11.15 Discussion groups
12.00 Action Planning related to blended learning – delegates individual plans in relation to blended learning & nect steps for ICA-Edu
12.15 Closure of ICA-Edu Colloquium
12.30 Plenary Session Report back from ICA-Edu, ICA-Edu SIG and the ICA CoP
13.00 Lunch
  Download the Colloquium programme

2021 ICA Rectors and Deans Forum - Programme

The Role of Life Science Universities in Transitioning to
Climate Neutrality and Open Science

was held on Thursday 21 and Friday 22 October 2021
at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium

Download the flyer

Wednesday 20 October

 Location: Irish College Leuven, Janseniusstraat 1, Leuven


Tea and Coffee - Registration


ICA General Assembly


Forum Welcome Reception – walking dinner following the ICA General Assembly

Thursday 21 October

Location: Faculty Club, KU Leuven, Groot Begijnhof 14, 3000 Leuven

Session 1 & 2: Scoping the challenge and opportunities for change in European food systems

The higlighted Keynotes were delivered online by ZOOM to registered delegates


Welcome to the Forum


Introduction to Session 1

Chair: Jos Van Orshoven, Dean Bioscience Engineering, KU Leuven


Keynote 1 Characterisation of the GHG emissions in food systems - agriculture, the food value and logistics chain, and in food consumption.
Pete Smith, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK


Keynote 2 The potential for carbon sequestration in the soil and by re-afforestation of land released from animal production.
Powerpoint presentation and voice-over powerpoint presentation
Jean-Francois Soussana, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, FR



Keynote 3 Resourceful with food contributing to climate neutrality: reduction of food waste and energy saving in the food value chain.
Toine Timmermans, Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, Wageningen University and Research, NL



 11.15 Keynote 4 Stimulating consumers to make dietary choices to eat sustainably in the diverse landscape of European culinary cultures.
Liesbet Vranken, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, KU Leuven, BE
 11.45  Discusssion
 12.30  Lunch

Introduction to Session 2

Chair: Alex Evans, Former Dean of Agricultural Science & Head of UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin.

13.45 Keynote 5 EU vision and policies toward climate neutrality for the land sector and the role of the CAP policy in ensuring the viability of farmer’s income and food security
Nicola Di Virgilo, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, EU Commission, Brussels, BE
14.15 Keynote 6 Helping farmers mitigate climate change - the multiple roles of agricultural inputs in managing the carbon footprint from production to application
Petra Laux, Head of Business Sustainability, Syngenta Crop Protection, Basel, Switzerland
14.45  Coffee

Panel:Four short interventiona from ICA Members

How my university will engage with society through education, research and outreach to encourage the desired transition to climate neutrality.

Michal Lostak, Czech University of Life Sciences, CZ
Marta Mendel, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, PL
Julian Park, University of Reading, UK
Janna Pietikäinen, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, Finland

16.00 Breakout Discussion Groups
17.00 Pleanary Report Back
17.30 Closure
19.00 Reception offered by the City of Leuven and Welcome by Alderman David Dessers (Alderman for Agriculture, Climate and Sustainability) at Leuven Town Hall
20.00 Forum dinner at Restaurant Tafelrond, Grote Markt 5, Leuven


Friday 22 October

Location: Faculty Club, KU Leuven, Groot Begijnhof 14, 3000 Leuven

Session 3. Open Science and implications for Life Science Universities

Theme: Open Science is the overarching title, under which is Open Access, Open data, Open Education and sometimes also Citizen Science

 9.00 Introduction to Session 3
Chair: Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus Wageningen University and Research (WUR)
 9.10 Keynote 11 The grand challenge to deliver the European Open Science Cloud
Karel Luyben, Rector Magnificus Emeritus at the Delft University of Technology
 9.50 Keynote 12 Open Science to deliver on the grand challenges
Kostas Glinos, Head of Unit for Open Science at European Commission
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Keynote 13 The experience of my university in addressing the introduction of an Open Science strategy and its implementation.
Anna Lundhagen, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Collaboration and Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
11.40 Breakout discussions
12.30 Plenary Report Back
13.00 Closure and Lunch
  Download the flyer




10th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2020 - Online

Agricultural and Life Science Universities Responding to
Covid-19 and the European Green Deal

was held online on Thursday 22 October 2020,
13.30 – 18.00 (Central European Summer Time, CEST)

Download the the full programme


13.15 CEST Opening of the online session

13.25 Welcome and Introductions

Marek S Szyndel, President of ICA and Warsaw University of Life Sciences, PL

13.30 – 15.30 CEST

Session 1 Disruption of our agricultural and life science universities in 2020, what we have learnt for future management

Chair Michal Lostak, Vice Rector, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, CZ

Speaker 1: Higher Education 2030: a decade of disruption for sustainable development
Daniella Tilbury, Commissioner for Sustainable Development and Future Generations, HM Government of Gibraltar, Gibraltar, former Vice-Chancellor, University of Gibraltar and Hon. Fellow, Cambridge University, UK

Speaker 2: Will the disruption of Covid-19 irreversibly change teaching and learning in our traditional European universities for the better?
Stefano Cesco, Former Dean Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, Italy
Presentation powerpoint pdf

Speaker 3: What are the medium to long term implications of Covid-19 on universities' research, innovation programmes and engagement with society, defining a roadmap forward.
Martin Scholten, Principlal Advisor of European Affairs to the Board of Directors, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
Presentation powerpoint pdf

Round table discussions:
Defining exit strategies from the 2020 disruption of agricultural and life science universities caused by Covid-19" – 40 minutes.

In moderated breakout groups of about 8 to 10 people.  The delegates in each group will be able to see themselves online in the discussion.
When you register online for the Forum you will be able to choose to start your discussion session focusing on either "education and student engagement" or "research and innovation", and then there would be the possibility to switch to the other topic in the same breakout group.

Report back to whole group by discussion Chairs

Expected Outcome: Shared experience and proposed topics for future Webinars to expand the discussion on topics of specific concern, e.g. mental health of students, equality and equity for education of campus based and distance learners.

15.30 – 16.00 Virtual Coffee Break

16.00 – 18.00 CEST

Session 2 Defining the opportunities of the Farm to Fork Strategy and the European Green Deal for Agricultural and Life Science Universities

Chair Alex Evans, Dean of Agricultural Science & Head of UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin, IE

Speaker 1: 21st Century Challenges - EGD and the Importance of Natural Resources Management
Janez Potočnik, Co-Chair International Resource Panel, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Partner in SYSTEMIQ
Presentation powerpoint pdf

Speaker 2: The ambition of the Farm to Fork Strategy
Luis Vivas-Alegre, Policy Coordinator, Unit Farm to Fork Strategy, Directorate General on Health and Food Safety, European Commission
Presentation powerpoint pdf

Speaker 3: Reflections on the current US Policies towards transitioning to a Green Economy
Douglas L Steele, Vice President Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU), US

Round table discussions:
Priorities for our universities in responding to the challenge of the Farm to Fork Strategy - 40 minutes

In moderated breakout groups of about 8 to 10 people.  The delegates in each group will be able to see themselves online in the discussion.

Report back to whole group by discussion Chairs

Expected Outcome: Reflection of the opportunities for agricultural and life science universities within the EU Green Deal policy and call. Proposals of how ICA might support the engagement of ICA members with these strategies.

Download the the full programme

2021 ICA-Edu Colloquium Programme

 Action to keep the entrepreneurial genie out of the bottle! 
Engaging students with sustainable entrepreneurial education in your curriculum

was held online each morning from Wednesday 26 May to Friday 28 May 2021

Supported by: the University of Copenhagen (UCPH),
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), and
Wageningen University (WU)


See the  Action Summary of the Outcomes of the Colloquium

Download the Colloquium Programme

The Online Colloquium programme is structured around three sessions. In each session there are keynote presentations, followed by “roundtable discussions” of 12 to 15 persons and a moderator in an online Zoom breakout room. At the end of the session there will be a report back from each of the breakout rooms to the whole Colloquium.

SESSION 1 Wednesday 26 May 9.00 - 12.00 CET

Curriculum models for the development of students’ entrepreneurial sustainable competences

Keywords: Students’ sustainable entrepreneurial competences, and support for reflection and validation of curriculum models

Chair: Lisa Ploum, Academic Coordinator Entrepreneurship, Corporate Value Creation, Wageningen University, NL

9.00 Welcome and Introduction to the Session
 9.10 Keynote: Making an Entrepreneurial Difference: new approaches to entrepreneurial learning in Life Sciences Education
Lisa Ploum, Academic Coordinator Entrepreneurship, Corporate Value Creation, Wageningen University, NL
 9.30 Keynote: eLearning course Ecosystem Services Entrepreneurship: from ideas to business
Davide Pettenella, University of Padova, IT
 9.50 Keynote: CASE project: the curriculum of the MSc Sustainability-driven Entrepreneurship
Michael Ambros, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), AT
 10.10 Coffee break
 10.30 Roundtable discussions groups (Zoom breakout rooms)
The discussion will evaluate the sustainable entrepreneurship competence model developed by Wageningen University and the experience of dedicated entrepreneurial programmes to address the challenge of embedding sustainable entrepreneurship across the curriculum in discipline specific degree programmes.  See the summary of the ICA-Edu Colloquium 2019 as preparation for this session.
11.15 Report Back from group discussions
11.45 Closure


SESSION 2 Thursday 27 May 9.00 - 12.30 CET

The role and implementation of Student Innovation Hubs

What are the criteria for the success of a student incubator hub– proof of principle, proof of concept and customer validation. Students IPR. Credits for students. Involvement of Faculty

Chair: Carsten Nico Hjortsø, Associate Professor, Unit of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen

9.00 Welcome and Introduction to the Session

Virtual visit to the SCIENCE Innovation Hub - a student startup incubator at the University of Copenhagen

Keynote: Science Innovation HUB
Frederik Nygaard, Head of the UCPH Science Innovation Hub

An introduction to working with curricular and extra-curricular programs. The virtual visit will focus on the continuing effort of introducing entrepreneurship into the curricula, with special emphasis on the project oriented courses at the Faculty of SCIENCE.

Subsequently two students, Liam Joseph McGill and Hjalte Jørgensen, from startups will tell about their experiences and how they feel the University of Copenhagen helps develop their entrepreneurial competencies.


Keynote: DTU Skylab – Lessons learned from building an innovation hub
Mikkel Sørensen, Head of DTU SkyLab, Danish Technical University, DK


Keynote: The evolution of the StartHub Wageningen
Gitte Schober, Wageningen University and Research (WUR), NL

10.40  Coffee break
11.00 Roundtable discussions groups (Zoom breakout rooms)
11.45 Report Back from group discussions
12.30 Closure


SESSION 3 Friday 28 May 9.00 - 12.00 CET

Approaches to validating the success in developing my students' entrepreneurial competences.

Keywords: Reflection on my success in developing my students' entrepreneurial competences. Alternative forms of assessment to measure my students' entrepreneurial sustainable competences. Developing students' capacity to reflect on their achievements and develop actions for further development of those skills.

Chair: Marije Lesterhuis, Comproved/ University of Antwerp, Antwerp, BE

9.00 Welcome and Introduction to the Session
9.10 Keynote: Comparative judgement: an alternative approach for the assessment of students' entrepreneurial competences
Marije Lesterhuis, Comproved/ University of Antwerp, Antwerp, BE
9.30 Keynote: Retrospective pretest-posttests as reflection exercises
Kåre Moberg, The Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Odense, DK
9.50 Keynote: Capturing the development of entrepreneurial competence: practical experiences from situational judgment tests and storyline approaches
Thomas Lans, Senior Manager Research, National Centre of Expertise in Vocational Education and Training in the Netherlands (ECBO), 's-Hertogenbosch, NL
10.10 Coffee Break
10.30 Roundtable discussions groups (Zoom breakout rooms)
11.15 Report back from group discussions
11.45 Closure


ICA-Edu General Assembly (including elections)

13.30 Closure of the ICA-Edu General Assembly



See the  Action Summary of the Outcomes of the Colloquium

Download the Colloquium Programme

2019 ICA Rectors & Deans Forum Detailed Programme 2019

Collaboration between European & African Life Science Universities
for a Sustainable Future

Wednesday 23 October to Friday 25 October 2019
to be held at UniLaSalle – Campus de Beauvais, 16 rue Pierre Waguet, Beauvais, FR

Download the Summary of the Forum outcomes


Thursday 24 October

Welcome by Marek Szyndel, President of ICA & Carolyn Glynn, President of AGRINATURA

Introduction to the Forum
Alex Evans, Vice President of ICA

Session 1 Setting the stage

Overview of the societal challenges and a reflection of those faced in Africa in particular – the UN Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals. How do we envisage the role of agricultural and life science universities and their place in society may have evolved in both continents by 2030.

Africa and Europe cooperation in building a sustainable African agri-food sector
Tom Arnold – Chair, EU Commission Task Force for Rural Africa.
Overview of Challenges facing African Agriculture and Life Science Universities towards 2030: Perspectives from South/Southern African Region
Daniel Brink, Dean, Faculty of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Additional Paper submitted:
Overview of the challenges facing African agricultural and life science universities, and how they see their development to 2030
Anthony Egeru, Manager, Training and Community Development, Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

Overview of the challenges facing European agricultural and life science universities, and how do they see their development to 2030
Alex Evans, Dean of Agricultural Science & Head of UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin, IE and Vice President of ICA
Structures and aims of European life science universities' engagement with African partner universities
Carolyn Glynn, Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and President of AGRINATURA, SE

Session 2 Current and future initiatives for collaboration/engagement

Keynotes focusing on the agriculture and life sciences sector addressing the imperative for change: effective strategic structures for supporting collaboration between European and African agricultural and life science universities.

A vision for EU engagement with Africa in agricultural research
Marc Duponcel, Research Programme Officer, DG for Agriculture and Rural Development, EU Commission, Brussels, BE
The research and innovation agenda for Africa in the agricultural and life sciences
Kwesi Atta-Krah. Director for Advocacy and Country Alignment Function (ACAF), Office of the Director General, International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
LEAP4FNSSA: towards a Europe Africa Research and Innovation (R&I) Platform for joint action in science, technology and innovation on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA)
Philippe Petithuguenin, Deputy Director for Research and Strategy, CIRAD, FR
Partnerships to enhance Africa's scientific capacity: PASET's Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund
Julius Ecuru, Manager, Bioinnovate Africa Programme, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe). Kenya
Roundtable discussions
Report back

 Friday 25 October

Session 3 Developing a new Agenda for engagement/collaboration between European and African Universities

Our expectation is to create shared values and understanding in addressing the key global challenges. What should change in our EU life science universities to enhance the collaboration, directly or through engaging with EU overarching organisations, to better collaborate with African life science universities in address the challenges for achieving a sustainable world. Who sets the Agenda within our universities for long term collaboration – what does each party expect to gain.

Future EU-Africa Collaboration: what will it take?
Achille Assogbadjo, University of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin
Unlocking the hidden potential of Sub-Saharan universities
Pascal Boeckx, Professor, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, BE
Changing minds and promoting the social-biophysical interface-rethinking South-North academic cooperation
Luis Artur, Dean, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique
Future opportunities for bi-directional learning in Europe-Africa university collaboration
Ken Giller, Professor, Plant Production Systems,
Wageningen University and Research (WUR), NL
Austrian - African University Network: engagement for mutual benefit for a sustainable future
Hubert Hasenauer, Rector, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), AT
Roundtable discussions
Report Back
Wrap up

Download the Summary of the Forum outcomes