
2024 ICA-Edu Webinar No 1: One Health Curriculum

ICA-Edu 2024 Webinar No 1

Certificate “One Health & Water": a case study for the advancement of interdisciplinarity in professional training

was held on Thursday 16 May 2024 from 13.00 - 14.00 CET

Presenter: Dr Alessia Lefébure, Dean of L’Institut Agro Rennes Angers, France.

Abstract:  One Health Education Approaches are evolving rapidly and significantly. This webinar serves as an introduction to the One Health and Water certificate program, coordinated by three distinct schools in France. Despite the challenges posed by differing disciplines and professional environments—public health, veterinary, and agronomy/ecology—the program aims to target a broad spectrum of professionals, including environmental, human, and animal health professionals, administrative personnel, agricultural experts, agency professionals, and elected officials. The webinar will present the content, the skills, the teaching methods and the combination of theory and practices addressing various aspects related to water challenges.

Download the powerpoint presentation and see the recording here

Short Bio:
Alessia Lefébure (PhD) is the Dean of L’institut Agro Rennes Angers, a French ‘Grande Ecole’ which is part of L'Institut Agro, the largest French Life Science, Agriculture and Food ensemble in Higher Education and Research. She previously held several managerial and teaching positions at the French School for Public Health (EHESP), Columbia University in New York, Tsinghua University in Beijing, and Sciences Po in Paris. A sociologist and a recognized expert in Comparative Higher Education Policies, she is the author of a book on the Globalization of the Chinese Higher Education (Les mandarins 2.0. Presses de Sciences Po, Paris, 2020).