Who we are

ICA, Association for European Life Science Universities, is a network of more than 50 universities from the EU and neighbouring countries (European Higher Education Area, EHEA).  The life science universities relate to the circular bioeconomy (agriculture, forestry, food value chain & biobased economy), the sustainable use of natural resources, biodiversity, the protection of the environment and rural development.

ICA was founded in 1988 as the Interfaculty Committee Agraria, but now with a change of name to the Association for European Life Science Universities, but keeping the acronym ICA.

One of the most significant challenges facing a European higher education institution is the competition from other higher education institutions at the European level and worldwide. To succeed, an institution needs to strive to enhance the quality of its provision and to engage in the international arena.

ICA’s vision is to enhance our members’ success in the international market place, in Europe and globally, by providing a supportive environment to share experience, to cooperate in new ventures, and to benefit from the resulting synergy.

ICA links eight ICA Standing Committees under the umbrella of the ICA Council. The ICA Standing Committees have either a discipline or cross discipline support focus. The ICA Council acts as a forum to support networking and the initiation of new ventures between Standing Committees and ICA.

ICA also liaises with other European and international networks, and with international student associations <more>

Full Membership is open to all higher education institutions in Europe with a focus on the circular bioeconomy (agriculture, forestry, food value chain & biobased economy), the sustainable use of natural resources, biodiversity, the protection of the environment and rural development in the 48 countries subscribing to the Bologna process. Associate Membership is open to universities outside of the EHEA.

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