ICA’s conferences for faculty, researchers, university leaders and administrators serve as a forum to discuss innovative practice and concerns, and act as a clearinghouse for information exchange and updates on strategic issues. Thus the conferences enhance networking in the life sciences to share expertise and understanding. In doing so ICA conferences support the establishment of communities of practice in which the members build confidence in each others capabilities leading to new initiatives.
These conferences and workshops are regularly organised in association with either ICA Standing Committees or international networks, in particular the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU) in the US and the Association of Canadian Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary MedicinA
The APLU-ICA (previous to 2009 ICA-NASULGC) Conferences have been held between 2005 and 2012 alternately focusing on education and research issues with the objective of developing a transatlantic dialogue. The research, development and outreach focused conferences are designed to address topics in the field of the applied life sciences where there is mutual concern for improved understanding, or the resolution of disagreement in approaches on either side of the Atlantic.
List of past ICA Rectors and Deans Fora
14th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2024 Zagreb
- The Future of Agriculture and Forestry in Europe: implications for Life Science Universities
13th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2023 Lille
- Artificial Intelligence
- The One Health Triad
12th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2022, Kaunas
- Bending the Curve for Biodiversity: challenges and opportunities for life science universities
- Life science universities addressing Knowledge Security
11th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2021 - Leuven
- The Role of Life Science Universities in Transitioning to Climate Neutrality
- Open Science
10th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2020 - online
- Agricultural and Life Science Universities Responding to Covid-19
- Agricultural & Life Science Universities responding to the European Green Deal
9th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2019 - Beauvais
- Collaboration between European & African Life Science Universities for a Sustainable Future
8th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2018, Wageningen
- High Tech to Feed the World Sustainably: Innovation from Spade to Fork
7th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2017, Louvain-la-Neuve
- Life Science Universities Deliver Impact in Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
6th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2016, Ghent
- The Life Science University in the 21stC Global World
5th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2015, Piacenza
- Educating the Young Professionals to Feed the Planet & Provide for the Sustainable Bioeconomy
4th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2014, Ghent
- Challenges and Policy Implications of the new EU Programming period 2014 - 2020 for Life Science Universities
3rd ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2013, Ghent
- Engagement of Life Science Universities in Supporting the Growth of the Bioeconomy – the social, environmental, and economic implications
2nd ICA Rectors & Deans Forum 2012, Ghent
- Engagement of Life Science Universities in the Knowledge Society and Innovation Networks
1st ICA Rectors & Deans Forum 2011, Ghent
- Life Sciences Universities and Faculties: Meeting the Challenges and Expectations