
2024 ICA-Edu Webinar No 2: AI competences in higher education

ICA-Edu 2024 Webinar No 2

Preparing students for the AI era: integrating fundamental AI tools and skills into academic education curricula

was held on Tuesday 25 June 2024 from 13.00 to 14.00 CET

See the powerpoint presentations and the recording of the Webinar

There were two presenters

Marko Ključarić - providing a former student's perspective on the required AI competences in the workplace
Marko Ključarić's ppwerpoint presentation

Sergej Lugović - providing a employer's perspective on using AI in his business.
Sergej Lugović's powerpoint presentation:

Webinar Abstract

Marko Ključarić presented the Student's perspective including experience with AI during studies and later in work.  Based on limited formal education of AI tools while studying, the former student will explain the challenges in adopting AI and show some examples of using AI tools.

Sergej Lugović presented he Employer's perspective and will describe AI tools used in tasks, and which basic skills of using AI he requires from his employees.  He will also give his perspective on how to prepare students for the job market with regard to AI skills and how to improve academic programs by integrating education of AI technology.

This webinar gave a short overview of the education on AI tools in academic programs - what to focus on, what to cover within the programs, how to explain AI tools, how to teach AI skills, and how to understand different groups of AI tools.

Short Bios of the presenters

Student: Marko Ključarić graduated in 2023 with a Master's degree in plant science. His specific field of interest is plant genetics and plant breeding. Marko was awarded the 2023 Rector's Award from the University of Zagreb for the research paper: "Selection for low trypsin inhibitor content in soybean seed with the use of molecular markers." He is a member of the student association IAAS. Marko is currently employed as a researcher in the company Vesela Motika ltd.

Employer: Sergej Lugović professor with over 20 years of tenure at Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, teaching subjects from the group of new technologies, business management and entrepreneurship. Founder of the Big Data Lab at Zagreb University of Applied Sciences. PhD in the topic of user behaviour patterns based on their acquired information. Entrepreneur and owner of Vesela Motika ltd.