13th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum Programme 19 & 20 October 2023

ICA Rectors and Deans Forum Programme 19 & 20 October 2023

Location:  JUNIA ISEN BUILDING, 41, boulevard Vauban, Lille.

THURSDAY 19 October

13.00 Registration & Buffet lunch

14.00 Welcome
Arthur Mol,
President of ICA & Rector Magnificus Wageningen University and Research, NL
Joop Lensink, Dean Academic Programmes, JUNIA grande école d’ingénieurs, Lille, FR

Session 1 Strategic Management Issues of AI for Life Science Universities


Chair:  Alex Evans, School of Agriculture & Food Science, University College Dublin, IE

14.10 Keynote: Impact of AI on Teaching and Learning now and in the next 5 years

Matthieu Laneuville, Program Manager AI, SURF Innovation Laboratory, Utrecht, NL
            see the video recording here

14.40 Keynote: Impact of AI on Research now and in the next 5 years

Alistair Nolan, Senior Policy Analyst, Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, OECD, Paris, FR.
            see the video recording here

15.10  Coffee

Four short 10 minute interventions:  Case Studies of "how my university/faculty is addressing the strategic management challenges of AI in research, innovation or education"

  1. To ChatGPT or Not To ChatGPT ? Impact on Teaching Practices at Ghent University.
    Mieke Uyttendaele, Director of Studies, Faculty of Bio-Science Engineering, UGent, BE
  2. The impact of generative AI on teaching and research @ Wageningen University & Research.
    Athur Mol, Wageningen University and Research, NL
  3. Digitalization initiatives for study quality improvement and research in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.
    Irina Pilvere, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava, LV
  4. The influence of Artificial Intelligence on agriculture, the perspective of the Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb University.
    Ivica Kisić, Zagreb University, HR
16.40 Panel discussions
17.10 Report back and Closure

17.15 ICA General Assembly 2023 Follow up & ICA Excellence Awards

ICA GA Follow up
Report by the President and announcement of the result of GA decisions.

ICA Excellence Awards
Vice President introduces the ICA Excellence Awards, and the President makes the presentations to the Awards winners. 

20.00 Forum Gala Dinner
19.45 Meet in the Novotel Grande Place and Crowne Plaza - EURALILLE hotels to be guided to the restaurant, if you are in other hotels please make you way to the restaurant.
Location:  Restaurant L’Assiette du Marché, 61 rue de la Monnaie, 59000 Lille.  www.assiettedumarché.fr  

FRIDAY 20 October

Session 2 Strategic Management challenges for Life Science Universities of One Health Triad

  Chair: Athur Mol, Wageningen University and Research, NL
9.00 Introduction
9.10 Keynote: Report of the outcomes of the three webinars focusing on the science of the One Health Triad.
Robbert Boudewijns, One Health Institute, KU Leuven, BE
            see the video recording here


Keynote: The challenge to develop interdisciplinary education programmes focusing on the One Health Triad
Susanna Sternberg-Lewerin, SLU Future One Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE
            see the video recording here


Keynote: How university is addressing the strategic management challenges of One Health in research, education and society.
Laurent Buisson and Julia Zinsmeister, AgroParisTech, Palaiseau, FR
            see the video recording here

10.40 Coffee


Four short 10 minute interventions:  Case Studies of "how my university/faculty is addressing the strategic management challenges of One Health in research, education and in society

  1. The One Health integrated approach from the standpoint of agriculture practices and food systems : challenges for education and training in France,
    Alessia Lefebure, Dean of L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, FR
  2. One Health Initiatives in the College of Health and Agricultural Sciences at University College Dublin.
    Frank Monahan, Dean School of Agriculture & Food Science, University College Dublin, IE
  3. KU Leuven One Health Institute.
    Robbert Boudewijns, One Health Institute, KU Leuven, BE
  4. UNILASALLE strategy to tackle One Health challenges.
    Philippe Choquet, Institut Polytechnique UNILASALLE, Beauvais, FR
12.00 Panel discussions
12.30 Report back and closure
13.00 Lunch


14.00 - 17.00 JUNIA Roundtable addressing the One Health challenge

Come and share with staff from JUNIA how you are approaching the One Health challenge 

Even though the One Health approach is receiving more and more coverage in the scientific community, it remains, like all approaches that aim to be transdisciplinary, a real managerial and operational challenge for pilots of these projects. How do we get communities of specialists to work together, each with their own expectations, their own fields of expertise (associated with their own vocabulary) and, above all, their own evaluation criteria?

The arising question is to consider how, at the level of our institution's governance, is it feasible to initiate research strategies and policies aiming at integrating the One Health issue into an innovative and transdisciplinary collaborative approach.

We invite all Forum attendees to a round table discussion. After a brief presentation of research programs conducted at JUNIA (14.00 - 15.00) on the issue of One Health (human, animal, plant, and environment health) through transdisciplinary approaches, we will invite participants to share their experience and to reflect on the best methods to pave the way to successfully develop strategic partnerships to address One Health.