relating to the circular bioeconomy, the sustainable use of natural resources, the protection of the environment and rural development.

We aim to enhance our members' success in education, research and innovation for a sustainable bioeconomy and society, by engaging with European and global institutions and networks, to share experience, cooperate in new ventures, and benefit from the resulting synergy.

2915 ICA Forum - programme & presentations


 Educating the Young Professionals to Feed the Planet & Provide for the Sustainable Bioeconomy


THURSDAY 22 OCTOBER - at the EU Pavilion, Milan EXPO 2015

Introduction - Overview of the EU paper Towards a Research & Innovation Agenda for Global Food and Nutrition Security
Franz Fischler, Chair of the EXPO 2015 EU Scientific Steering Committee

Session 1 Addressing the challenge of nutritional security

Addressing the Challenge of Nutritional Security
Tom Arnold,
Interim Coordinator, Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. Director General, Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA)

Academic Response to Addressing the Challenge of Nutritional Security
Carl Lachat
, Department of Food Safety and Food Quality, Ghent University, Belgium

Session 2 Addressing the challenge of sustainable natural resource management

Addressing the Challenge of Sustainable Natural Resource Management
David Baldock,
Executive Director, Institute for European Environmental Policy, United Kingdom

Challenge of Sustainable Natural Resource Management: some Nordic & Australian curricular responses
Nadarajah Sriskandarajah,
Environmental Communication, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Session 3 Addressing the societal challenge of climate change

Climate Chnage and Climate Compatible Development: can a threat become and opportunity
avel Kabat,
Director General and Chief Executive Officer, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria

Addressing the Societal Challenge of Climate Chnage - the Academic Challenge
John R Porter
, Climate and Food Security, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Closing discussion


FRIDAY 23 OCTOBER - at the Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza

Session 4: The Life Science Universities educational response to the challenges 
Listening Across Generations
Aoife Lyons, Director Educational Initiatives, Alltech, Ireland
Responding to the Expectations of the Labour Market: Supplying the food sector with qualified graduates
Mella Frewen, Director General, Food Drink Europe, Belgium

Developing graduates with holistic systems thinking skills for the bioeconomy – the graduate with an interdisciplinary CV. Case studies of Bioeconomy degree programmes.

The Three Pillars Study Programmes at BOKU for the Sustainable Bioeconomy
Barbara Hinterstoisser, Vice Rector for Education and International Affiars, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria

MSc in Management of Bioeconomy, Innovation and Governance (BIG)
James Mittra, Programme Director, Graduate School of Social and Political Science , University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Master Programme in Bioeconomy: chnage the system shape the future
Iris Lewandowski, Vice President Academic Affairs, University of Hohenheim, Germany


Final Discussion