ICA General Assembly 2024

  ICA General Assembly 2024

The ICA General Assembly 2024 was held online from 15.00 on 6 June.  Here is the Agenda approved at the General Assembly

Report of the ICA President for 2023—24 on behalf of the ICA Board - Maria Knutson Wedel

Paper 4 Personal statement of Dean Marina Pintar

Paper 5 Présentation Bordeaux Sciences Agro by Dean Sabine Brun-Rageul 

Paper 6 Presentation Iasi University of Life Sciences by Vice Rector,  Prof Liviu Miron, .

Brief Reports from ICA Standing Committees

  1. AGIMBA -- International Network for the MBA in Agribusiness and Commerce
  2. AGRINATURA - The European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development
  3. CASEE - The ICA Regional Network for Central and South-Eastern Europe
  4. ERABEE – Network for Education and Research in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
  5. IFA - ISEKI Food Association
  6. IROICA - International Relations Officers’ Network of the Association of European Life Sciences Universities
  7. I.S.L.E - Association for Innovation, Teaching and Promoting Sustainable Development in Life Sciences, Applied Sciences and Social Sciences in Europe and worldwide.
  8. SILVA - European Forest Science Academic Network