ICA General Assembly 2024

  ICA General Assembly 2024

The ICA General Assembly 2024 was held online from 15.00 on 6 June.  Here is the Agenda approved at the General Assembly

Report of the ICA President for 2023—24 on behalf of the ICA Board - Maria Knutson Wedel

Paper 4 Personal statement of Dean Marina Pintar

Paper 5 Présentation Bordeaux Sciences Agro by Dean Sabine Brun-Rageul 

Paper 6 Presentation Iasi University of Life Sciences by Vice Rector,  Prof Liviu Miron, .

Brief Reports from ICA Standing Committees

  1. AGIMBA -- International Network for the MBA in Agribusiness and Commerce
  2. AGRINATURA - The European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development
  3. CASEE - The ICA Regional Network for Central and South-Eastern Europe
  4. ERABEE – Network for Education and Research in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
  5. IFA - ISEKI Food Association
  6. IROICA - International Relations Officers’ Network of the Association of European Life Sciences Universities
  7. I.S.L.E - Association for Innovation, Teaching and Promoting Sustainable Development in Life Sciences, Applied Sciences and Social Sciences in Europe and worldwide.
  8. SILVA - European Forest Science Academic Network



ICA General Assembly 2023

The General Assembly of the Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA) was held ONLINE at 16.00 CET on Thursday 12 October 2023

The Report of the ICA President

ICA Flyer and Magazine

 Flyer 2023  ICA Magazine 2023

 Download the ICA Flyer 2023

     Download the ICA Magazine 2023

ICA General Assembly 2011

The General Assembly of the Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA) was held on Monday 27 June 2011 at 14.30 at the Institut Polytechnique Lasalle Beauvais. The General Assembly was followed by the Opening Session of the ICA-APLU- GCHERA Conference - Universities of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Entrepreneurs for Sustainable Rural Development.

The Agenda
Minutes of the General Assembly 2011 approved at the ICA General Assembly 2012