10th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2020 - Online

Agricultural and Life Science Universities Responding to
Covid-19 and the European Green Deal

was held online on Thursday 22 October 2020,
13.30 – 18.00 (Central European Summer Time, CEST)

Download the the full programme


13.15 CEST Opening of the online session

13.25 Welcome and Introductions

Marek S Szyndel, President of ICA and Warsaw University of Life Sciences, PL

13.30 – 15.30 CEST

Session 1 Disruption of our agricultural and life science universities in 2020, what we have learnt for future management

Chair Michal Lostak, Vice Rector, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, CZ

Speaker 1: Higher Education 2030: a decade of disruption for sustainable development
Daniella Tilbury, Commissioner for Sustainable Development and Future Generations, HM Government of Gibraltar, Gibraltar, former Vice-Chancellor, University of Gibraltar and Hon. Fellow, Cambridge University, UK

Speaker 2: Will the disruption of Covid-19 irreversibly change teaching and learning in our traditional European universities for the better?
Stefano Cesco, Former Dean Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, Italy
Presentation powerpoint pdf

Speaker 3: What are the medium to long term implications of Covid-19 on universities' research, innovation programmes and engagement with society, defining a roadmap forward.
Martin Scholten, Principlal Advisor of European Affairs to the Board of Directors, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
Presentation powerpoint pdf

Round table discussions:
Defining exit strategies from the 2020 disruption of agricultural and life science universities caused by Covid-19" – 40 minutes.

In moderated breakout groups of about 8 to 10 people.  The delegates in each group will be able to see themselves online in the discussion.
When you register online for the Forum you will be able to choose to start your discussion session focusing on either "education and student engagement" or "research and innovation", and then there would be the possibility to switch to the other topic in the same breakout group.

Report back to whole group by discussion Chairs

Expected Outcome: Shared experience and proposed topics for future Webinars to expand the discussion on topics of specific concern, e.g. mental health of students, equality and equity for education of campus based and distance learners.

15.30 – 16.00 Virtual Coffee Break

16.00 – 18.00 CEST

Session 2 Defining the opportunities of the Farm to Fork Strategy and the European Green Deal for Agricultural and Life Science Universities

Chair Alex Evans, Dean of Agricultural Science & Head of UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin, IE

Speaker 1: 21st Century Challenges - EGD and the Importance of Natural Resources Management
Janez Potočnik, Co-Chair International Resource Panel, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Partner in SYSTEMIQ
Presentation powerpoint pdf

Speaker 2: The ambition of the Farm to Fork Strategy
Luis Vivas-Alegre, Policy Coordinator, Unit Farm to Fork Strategy, Directorate General on Health and Food Safety, European Commission
Presentation powerpoint pdf

Speaker 3: Reflections on the current US Policies towards transitioning to a Green Economy
Douglas L Steele, Vice President Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU), US

Round table discussions:
Priorities for our universities in responding to the challenge of the Farm to Fork Strategy - 40 minutes

In moderated breakout groups of about 8 to 10 people.  The delegates in each group will be able to see themselves online in the discussion.

Report back to whole group by discussion Chairs

Expected Outcome: Reflection of the opportunities for agricultural and life science universities within the EU Green Deal policy and call. Proposals of how ICA might support the engagement of ICA members with these strategies.

Download the the full programme