relating to the circular bioeconomy, the sustainable use of natural resources, the protection of the environment and rural development.

We aim to enhance our members' success in education, research and innovation for a sustainable bioeconomy and society, by engaging with European and global institutions and networks, to share experience, cooperate in new ventures, and benefit from the resulting synergy.

ENAGRA Project

Environmental Curricula at Agricultural Universities

The ENAGRA Project, funded under the EU Tempus Programme, aims to modernise the curricula at four Partner agricultural Universities in the Russian Federation and in the Ukraine:

-          Saratov State Agrarian University (SSAU), RU,

-          Buryat State Academy of Agriculture (BSAA), RU,

-          National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBiP), UA,

-          Lviv State Agrarian University, UA.

The Project will lead to harmonization of Russian and Ukrainian higher education systems within the wider European heigher education systems and will directly support implementation of Bologna process in the Project Partner Countries. The project supports the modernisation of the three cycle structure curricula in the area of environmental studies.  This will comprise a four year Bachelor program followed by two year Master program and three year PhD study. Two specialties were selected for development “Agroecology” for the Russian partner universities and “Ecology and Environmental Protection” for the Ukrainian partners.

The structure of modernized study programs will be based on EU standards comprising of 60 ECTS points per one year of study. Study programs will consist of compulsory subjects, restricted optional subjects and fully optional subjects.

The teaching methodology will combine lectures, practical exercises or experiments, case studies, team projects, modeling field trips, internships and thesis research. Partner universities' staff will be trained in new, advanced study subjects and new teaching methods (presentation techniques and use of ICT in education). Educational computer and environmental quality laboratories will be developed/upgraded as will the library resources . Selected course modules will be developed as distance and e-learning resources.

The new study programs will be approved by the authorities of each Partner University and they will be accredited by the respective units of Ministries of Education and Science in the Russian Federation and in the Ukraine.

In summary the outcomes will be:

1. Developed/modernized three cycle curricula at Partner Universities

2. Through institutional capacity building-upgraded Partner Universities capacities.

3. Pilot student training

ICA is a partner in the project to provide wider dissemination of the outcomes.  The project is led by Warsaw Univerity of Life Sciences (WULS)